EMAIL: info@nuwaycounselling.ca | LOCATION: #306 4885 Kingsway, Burnaby B.C. V5H 4T2 | TEL: 604-448-2416

Babies are the most adorable gift for parents, and it is a wonderful experience to start a family. Parents, of course, would always want their babies to be healthy and free of disorders. However, do you know what the chances are that you are going to get pregnant successfully? Do you know the chances of your baby having different kinds of diseases based on your and your partner's genetics? What about your age and health? What can you do to increase the chances of having a healthy baby?
Fertility counselling provides a comprehensive evidence-based analysis of your and your partner's genetic report that helps you to understand you and your family's genetic condition, then gives you advice on what you can do to have a successful pregnancy. Genetic counsellors at Nuway also provide families with parenting tips to ease their concerns and anxieties in their journey of creating a family.
The basic procedure of fertility counselling at Nuway Counselling is:
Book a session with the genetic counsellor to talk about your family history, needs and wants
Order a genetic testing kit
Do your test at home and mail the kit back to the center
Bring your result to your genetic counsellor and she will provide you with advice and analysis
If you need to see a counsellor for fertility/genetic counselling, start your therapy today.